Bubs at 6.5 months.

Here is Landon at 6 and 1/2 months. He is getting so big, eh?
Great Grandma and Grandpa Cleaver have something more to quit smoking for. They are doing well and we are cheering them on. Grandpa just came home from the hospital today and says that this is the best he has felt in over a month!!! Great news!

Landon loves to attack his daddy too.... He is jealous of my hair!!! I don't blame him. :)
PS: Does anyone recognize the overalls??? Yep, they were mine when I was a little tyke. They held up pretty well for being 27 years old. I have to confess that he does look better than I do too.
I think the kid can take you!
a good friend of mine commented on how all of your pictures turn out so well. she wants to know what kind of a camera you use.
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